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968 hits since 2 Mar 2010
©1994-2024 Bill Armintrout
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28mmMan02 Mar 2010 9:02 p.m. PST

Hopefully somewhere near Corpus Christi TX.

combatpainter Fezian02 Mar 2010 9:19 p.m. PST

Man, too bad your not near me. I am about 6 hrs from you along the border in Del Rio.

ancientsgamer02 Mar 2010 11:07 p.m. PST

No clubs that I know of down there. Lonestar Historical Miniature Society is your best point of contact. Multiple Yahoo groups and a website. I am in San Antonio and we had a couple of guys that came from Corpus to our events and others around the state. One of the guys moved to Austin a few years back. San Antonio shop Dragon's Lair is 150 miles away but has regular gaming on Tuesday nights and Saturdays. Reach me at chris dot tebo @ yahoo dot com . There are some 25/28mm players up in San Antonio but most of us have 15mm for historicals. FoW and now FoG are popular up here. Some of us have picked up Lasalle for Napoleonics. A few have the larger scale to play this. there are some 7YW players up here. FoW is the most popular right now. We have over 12 that are playing FoG with numbers growing monthly for this rules system. I just found out about a few more that go to another store that play FoG. We should be up to 20 players in the next month or so.


La Long Carabine03 Mar 2010 7:53 a.m. PST

If you build it, they will come. We started a gaming club at a local library. The space is free, lots of kids and adults swing by picking up books. Make sure you have Star Wars Mins, LOTR, or some other cool movie related games to catch their eye and get them in the door. You might be surprised at the adults and kids that become regulars.

It worked for us, good luck.

LLC aka Ron

mweaver03 Mar 2010 2:16 p.m. PST

We're in Edinburg (near McAllen). In Texas terms, that's almost next door…

Jeigheff03 Mar 2010 4:46 p.m. PST

Hi 28mmMan,

I used to live (and game) in Corpus Christi back in the early 80s, and still have some friends there. Unfortunately, I'm really out of touch with things there now, to be truthful.

There used to be a small gaming store there called "Commanders of the Field", which was around for a pretty long time. But I couldn't find any mention of it via Goggle a minute ago, so it may no longer be in business. It had several owners and locations over the years.

I have an old buddy living in the CC area, who is very interested in historical miniatures and board gaming, and who should still be pretty familiar the CC gaming scene. If he or someone else from Corpus Christi doesn't post here soon, I'll try to remember to give him a telephone call and mention your post. He's a pretty friendly guy, but I'm reluctant to post personal info about friends here, which I'm sure you understand.

There used to be a small group of gamers in Victoria, Texas, which some of us guys in Corpus Christi and Austin joined in years past. One of them owns big collections of 15mm ACW, Napoleonics and Medievals, plus some WWII and WWI stuff. Our games in Victoria fizzled out when our host's job (the guy with the big minis collections) became very demanding and took him out of town on a regular basis. I have no idea if this friend has any time for his hobby these days. Come to think of it, I owe him a phone call too . . .

Contacting Lonestar Historical Miniatures is also a good idea, but it's likely that more than a few gamers in Texas aren't aware of it or just aren't members, for one reason or another.

Good luck! If I can scare up any more information for you, I'll send you a PM.

Jeff in Austin

DesertScrb03 Mar 2010 5:45 p.m. PST

There was a game store called "Armchair Commander" in Corpus, but it closed down.

mweaver03 Mar 2010 7:31 p.m. PST

Did they? The last time we were there was about three years ago, and they had pretty much gone over to collectible card games at that point – some miniature left, but not nearly as much as they used to have. That's too bad – they were a decent store.

28mmMan05 Mar 2010 6:08 p.m. PST

There is only one store in town, a computer cafe that hosts collectible card games (magic, yugio, etc.), 40k and WHFB, and D&D.

The owner is a good natured guy, I showed him TMP and he joined, I think he has posted 3 times in a year.

Not sure why gaming is dead here…they have little to no interest in anything other than what I noted.

Also the local crowd which is strong and loyal, 25-30 at a time on the prime days/nights, and small tourneys a couple times a month.

I have tried a half dozen times to get something started but the clientele is cliquey and not in the mind set to try anything other than what they have currently.

He has a fair sized place taking up 3 standard shopping center bays, been there for years Gamers Den & Internet Cafe link

My only real issue for not pushing other games with demos and such are the fine people who gravitate towards the store…I had set up a game time, with some noted interest, for Champions (superhero RPG) on a dead day for the store so it was welcome…I had asked the store owner to canvas the locals to see who was interested…a half dozen 11-12yr olds.

Now I may not be the great old grumpmeister that some TMPers may be,but babysitting is not my idea of a great night of gaming.

It is a shame. I have been looking for an established group for years.

I know there are some strong centers at the hubs…Dallas, San Antonio, Houston, Austin, etc. but not around here.

I tried the local scene a couple times, but I felt really out of my element.

I like anime as much if not more than most 44yr olds, and I even watch Naruto (follow the downloads from Japan every week), but that is a far cry from hanging out with 7th graders.

Traveller, Champions, RIFTS, CoC, etc. and some type of miniatures skirmish would be nice. I even tried to get a Blood Bowl league going…get them to use their existing figs as proxies…I feel it is hopeless.

Ah well telle est la vie et nous continuons.

Thanks for the thoughts!

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