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2,066 hits since 28 Mar 2009
©1994-2025 Bill Armintrout
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StaffordGames29 Mar 2009 6:19 a.m. PST

Just unloaded the van and thought I would let you know our thoughts on Salute.

Not being able to unload on Friday was a pain because we had booked a hotel which we wouldn't have done if we had known but in the end unloading on Saturday wasn't a problem.

Got there about 7am thinking there would be huge queues but once we had found Peruvian Warf it was actually easier and quicker.

Unloading was quick and easy due to help from the Warlord staff who were very keen for me to move my van straight away, this was a bit of a pain because I wanted to sort the stand and put some stuff back in the van.

Free parking at Peruvian Warf was good and the mini bus service fine.

The hall looked emptier than last year but that may be due to the hall being bigger and the aisles being wider.

We were quiet to start with but after about 10.30am were busy right through to about 3.30pm when it started to tail off although we had customers right up till 5.00pm.

I managed to get a quick walk round the trade stands but didn't get to see any of the games and didn't get to spend any money!

My only real gripe is the traffic control at the end of the day! I arrived at Peruvian Warf about 5.00pm and sat in a queue for an hour, when I finally got back to the show it was practically empty of vans so there was no reason to keep us waiting so long.

All in all a good day with takings up about a third!

Thanks to the Warlords for organising the show and all our customers who spent their hard earned cash with us.

Stafford Games

Jeremy Sutcliffe29 Mar 2009 8:18 a.m. PST

"All in all a good day with takings up about a third!"

Recession? What recession?

Colin Hagreen29 Mar 2009 8:34 a.m. PST


glad you had a good day!

Warlords IPO

cherrypicker29 Mar 2009 8:48 a.m. PST

Well thats me just back after a long drive to Scotland.

We had a great show up on last year which is always a good sign.

the Warlords as chearful and helpful as ever (thanks guys,

Now need to sort out for next week and get Gillion on those internet orders.


alien BLOODY HELL surfer29 Mar 2009 12:02 p.m. PST

Roland – was it your stand that had the fairies and the dragons on it? I meant to come back and pick some up but completely forgot – if so, are they on your website?


Earthquake29 Mar 2009 12:55 p.m. PST


That was the stand that was directly behind Roland's…Stafford Games has a double sided banner.

StaffordGames29 Mar 2009 1:44 p.m. PST

Hi Scott,

We had a lot of fairey's on the stand during the day and if you mean the wife when you mention dragons then yes it was our stand!:)

Otherwise it was the stand behind us which was Tritex Games, also from Stafford incidentally.



alien BLOODY HELL surfer30 Mar 2009 2:00 a.m. PST

Hi Roland,
some of the dragons has light up bases – everything was in varying sizes from say approx 3 inches tall to about 12 inches tall. If you were the chap who sold me a lot (well, 40-odd) of WOTC Star Wars figures it was your stand (and I apologise for buying all your rebel commandos!). Sorry to be so vague but I was so ill and tired on the day I didn't note things properly, only photo'd about 4/5 games, and didn't even look at what was new nor actually spend my budget :-(



alien BLOODY HELL surfer30 Mar 2009 4:55 a.m. PST

Ah, got that link to work now – it was them (the link) – cheers Roland. I think with the double sided banner and them saying Stafford confused me :-(

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