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"Bond...James Bond agent of Chronoscope" Topic

9 Posts

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1,882 hits since 1 Aug 2008
©1994-2024 Bill Armintrout
Comments or corrections?

beowulfdahunter01 Aug 2008 1:12 p.m. PST

I am loving these Chrono minis, I thought you might enjoy what I did on this guy.

I made him blonde to off set the blackness of the suit, plus I am messing with blonde recipies.

Lord Billington Wadsworth Fezian01 Aug 2008 1:49 p.m. PST

My hair is blonde…. dyed blonde.

Cyrus the Great01 Aug 2008 2:08 p.m. PST

Is it blonde…plain blonde?

sykoholic00103 Aug 2008 8:09 a.m. PST

Apologies in advance for threadjacking….

Beo – I followed the link and proceeded to checkout the entirety of your gallery. In doing so, I stumbled across a fig I liked but couldn't ID. Can you tell me the manufacturer and product line of this fig?


I thought it was a Copplestone but apparently not as I couldn't find it on his site.



sykoholic00103 Aug 2008 9:54 a.m. PST

Threadjacking again… sorry!

There's a couple more from Beo's gallery that I need IDed, if possible.









K… I think that's all of them. Hopefully someone can ID these for me and maybe point me to a new line/range I don't know about.

Anyways, thanks in advance and once again, sincerest apologies for threadjacking and asking annoying/dumb questions.


The Deaf Man04 Aug 2008 10:54 a.m. PST

Numbering never hurts.

#1 is Desiree Dark from RAFM.

#2 in the second post is Kat from Hasslefree.

#5 is from Rackham's Hybrid.

Norscaman04 Aug 2008 2:38 p.m. PST

Number 3 is a 54mm figure from reaper. Can't remember the name.

Number 4 is a Hasslefree elf named Shimmer

Number 6 is from Reaper or Spyglass, but I can't recall…

Pyrate Captain06 Jan 2010 10:12 p.m. PST

I use the chrono-fig as Fox Mulder.

The Shadow07 Jan 2010 8:27 a.m. PST

>>I am loving these Chrono minis, I thought you might enjoy what I did on this guy.<<

This sculpt and paint job is the way I always pictured Felix Leiter to look when reading the James Bond novels.

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