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"QUESTION: Best Rules To Play Stargate???" Topic

18 Posts

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1,495 hits since 4 Oct 2007
©1994-2024 Bill Armintrout
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Cacique Caribe04 Oct 2007 10:35 p.m. PST

These non-Phoenix figures have really inspired me:

However, what rules should I use once I get appropriate substitute figures?


Cacique Caribe04 Oct 2007 10:54 p.m. PST

I am planning on acquiring figures that I can use for Stargate (on the desert planet of Abydos, as in the original film).

However, finding appropriate rules is the next logical question.

I appreciate any pointers you might provide.


the trojan bunny04 Oct 2007 10:55 p.m. PST

I would say 5150 from Two Hour Wargames.

Brandlin05 Oct 2007 2:13 a.m. PST


i just cant believe those figures are no more


Earl of the North05 Oct 2007 5:22 a.m. PST

link Yeah has to be 5150.

John the OFM05 Oct 2007 5:58 a.m. PST

I found 1/144 Colonial Vipers from a Japanese eBay store last night while looking for P-38s. Description says they are 3" (75mm) in length. When I get home, I will post a link.
I wonder if they are IP-safe? grin

John the OFM05 Oct 2007 5:59 a.m. PST

My bad. Those are BSG. Move along, nothing to see.

Tom Reed05 Oct 2007 6:12 a.m. PST

Someone had a Yahoo group for a set of Stargate rules. Can't remember the name of the group, but you might find it by searching.

CmdrKiley05 Oct 2007 6:48 a.m. PST

There's already a mod of the Dogs of War rules listed on the same site as the gallery.

Ed the Two Hour Wargames guy05 Oct 2007 8:19 a.m. PST

Go to the THW Yahoo Group and ask. There's rules on it somewhere.


Riverbluff Wargames05 Oct 2007 8:22 a.m. PST

I use Savage Worlds Showdown. They are a free download. You can get them here:

You don't really have to have the RPG rules but it does help and now with the Explorers Ed. only costing $10 USD it's not bad at all.

There are stat cards done by a fan available here:

or at one of these yahoo groups:

I also use some rules and stats out of Modern Ops, a modern Showdown stand alone game, but I keep my SG-1 games more cinematic.

If SW isn't for you there are other rules and conversions on the yahoo groups listed above.

lugal hdan05 Oct 2007 10:57 a.m. PST

5150 or Chain Reaction 2.0. I couldn't even watch SG:1 without imagining the combat results from CR. (That's true of most "shootout" scenes though, except for the really implausible ones like in "Shoot 'em up".)

And if you're interested in playing SG stuff back at home, pm me. :-)

Slotministry05 Oct 2007 12:16 p.m. PST

I like the Doctor Who Miniatures Rules. They are free, would be easily converted and IMHO would have the right "feel". ~Robert

Black Cavalier05 Oct 2007 12:36 p.m. PST

Depending on the scale & size you want, Alien Squad Leader has a Children of the Gods army list that's basically geared towards something like Stargate. It's a 15mm element-based game.

artslave05 Oct 2007 12:59 p.m. PST

There are several good suggestions here for rules. I'll mention some that have not been talked about. Also, I'll explain my thoughts as to mods that I've done. I am moving toward a scenario that involves a very big shoot-out that will include elements from the original movie, the novels based on that setting, but also the TV show.

My starting point was the AEG Stargate D20 rules. I think they are very comprehensive, and leave everything else in the dust as far as detail of the Stargate world. The rules are OOP, but it is still soon enough that you could find the original main book. I could recommend some places to check. Now, the RPG rules are way too detailed for running a large battle game, but I use the stats as a starting point for all my various mods. I've played/GMed the RPG, and it works well.

The next direction I took was grafting portions of the D20 Star Wars minies game into the stats I had from the SG rules. Both are D20, and it is an easy fit. I use the grouping of hits into units of "5", and change the Def. to match. This way weapons do set amounts of damage, and figures die at incriminate levels. (Makes the combat go faster)

Now I break down the groups of figures in a game into "squads" of 4 or 5 figures each, then do an activation by squad. In a set scenario, I will activate groups in different areas of the game at the same time, so turns go faster. I've now run battles that involve up to 100 figures of various factions on the table. It is a bit sticky with this many, so I'll be exploring some options to streamline it, but it is getting where I want to go.

I'd be happy to share some of my mods and stats with you, if you are interested. I'm currently building a pyramid landing platform for the big battle I mentioned above. I'll post some pictures as the project gets further along.

artslave05 Oct 2007 1:06 p.m. PST

BTW, I have played Dogs of War, and the SG version of them. They are very good, but there is very little detail for this setting. I find it terrific for "squads" of 4 to 8, but not for the larger tabletop battles I want to do.

Weasel05 Oct 2007 5:29 p.m. PST

5150 is pretty much my :goto: game for character based skirmishing

Cacique Caribe07 Oct 2007 4:22 p.m. PST

Thanks for all the great suggestions!!!


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