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willthepiper17 Jul 2007 2:09 p.m. PST

There are now a number of companies producing WWI field guns for 28mm gaming (Renegade, Brigade Games, Askari, Battle Honours and Foundry, just to name a few), giving us a choice of several 18-lbrs, m1897 75 mm cannons and 7.7 cm feldcanone. We even have the HLBS 8" Howitzer for those who need heavier guns. However, there is a shortage of caissons! Foundry produce a caisson for those prepared to purchase the full RHA limber, but it is a bit pricy if you don't need the team of 6 horses. Therefor I, respectfully, request is that those companies who make field guns add a simple caisson model to accompany the gun.

Any other requests for the artillery park?

Carlos Marighela 217 Jul 2007 4:42 p.m. PST

My wish list, all are typical and some indispensable, many have application up to and into WW2. With the exception of the 4.5 " How nobody makes any of these

British guns.

4.5" QF Howitzer: Yes Reviresco do one but…….

3.7" Mountain gun (ok so I've half made one but it's not for sale) Great War, NW Frontier, Burma and NW Europe in WW2

60 pounder. OK very ambitious but hey super cool!


7.7cm FK 16 Field gun, how about some variety chaps?

10.5cm leichte Feldhaubitze 98/09.

7.62cm Infanteriegeschutz. All those ranges of stormtroopers and no IG. Odd really. Gamers love toys, this one is one of those rare bits of kit which really should be fielded on table.

7.5 cm M15 Mountain gun. (OK its Austrian I know) Austrians, Germans, Turks lots of potential use, even WW2 Gebirgsjaeger.

Krupp 7.5cm export field gun (various labels but essentially the same gun in service with Belgium, Italy, Turkey, Japan etc etc) It's an easy conversion from a 7.7cm Fk98 but God knows why someone doesn't make one as a variant.

French: Mle 1878 120mm gun. It's so ugly it's beautiful

Russian: M1910 122mm Howitzer. Russian army = Guns. Great War, RCW, WW2

I could add the various Italian field pieces and some archie but I was just looking at guns to go with exisiting figure ranges. It's a little frustrating that everyone makes the same 3 pieces (4 if you add minenwerfer). I've given up on fielding caissons. I now use ammo boxes/ crates to mark the location of the gun teams. Fortunately I enjoy scratchbuilding so my artillery park grows apace but I woild have thought there was a market and plenty of cross over for most of the items I've listed.

Personal logo Condotta Supporting Member of TMP17 Jul 2007 6:01 p.m. PST

Yes, we need limbers/caissons for WWI artillery.

I just completed 6 field pieces and they look daft, even though well painted and with nice crews, because they're naked without their support limber to draw supply of shells from.

I want some of the guns to have a pile of expended shell brass, but how can this look right without a limber that first supplied the shells?

Daft, I say, for a nice limber or three I would gladly pay.

Tim in Saskatoon17 Jul 2007 7:02 p.m. PST

>4.5" QF Howitzer: Yes Reviresco do one but…….

…But what..?

I bought one. It's a nice little kit…? Is there something wrong with it? I have to admit I know nothing about artillery. It looks like a gun to me… and in CLA (which I happen to play…) a gun is a gun is a gun… so I'm not particularly picky…

Carlos Marighela 218 Jul 2007 8:21 a.m. PST

Purely a matter of personal taste.

Two Ducks Pond21 Jul 2007 5:35 p.m. PST

Hi Folks
The Fk 16 FG will be release shortly from Brigade Games and designed by Mike Broadbent. Mike Owen is designing 28 mm German, Turk and Asien Korps artillery crew to man the FK 16 FG.

You can see all new upcoming releases on the Brigade Games Yahoo Group.

Carlos the 1st Australian Mountain Battery had 3.7 inch Mountain Guns in New Guinea during late 42 to late 43. They supported the American and Australian Forces during this period.

God Bless


Noworld09 Aug 2007 10:39 a.m. PST

The 13-pdr gets no respect!

Noworld09 Aug 2007 3:42 p.m. PST

SWEET I just saw this… awesome excuse to start some BEF…

TMP link

BlackWidowPilot Fezian10 Aug 2007 7:30 p.m. PST

<<French: Mle 1878 120mm gun. It's so ugly it's beautiful>>


Leland R. Erickson
Metal Express

Whitesheets29 Oct 2007 1:17 p.m. PST

HLBS Co make a Krupp Big Bertha!

I know as i have one sat here in front of me and its massive!


Stavka29 Oct 2007 5:28 p.m. PST

Apparently the 1878 deBange 120mm Howitzer was used by the Hungarians in 1944!


I would love for my WW1 French to have a model of this one in their arsenal.

Carlos Marighela 230 Oct 2007 3:18 a.m. PST

I recently saw a cannon shaped metal pencil sharpener in a gift shop that looked like a good starte for this. Ugly high 'overbank' style carriage. Might have to go back and see whether it would convert. For a paltry few dollars it's probably an engaging little project. Alas I don't field Great War French.

coldm223130 Oct 2007 8:58 a.m. PST

Bob, your a lucky man…i think HLBSC stopped making the Krupp and Crew for it a while ago…..before i got one!!!

Whitesheets30 Oct 2007 11:23 a.m. PST

coldm2231… e-mail them, i got mine only last week ;-)


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