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Modular Buildings from ESLO

ESLO Terrain explains about their range of modular buildings.

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Filling With 3M Wall Repair Compound

Personal logo Editor in Chief Bill The Editor of TMP Fezian discovers a better way to fill in hollow plastic bases.

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Cobblestone Corners Christmas Trees

Christmas trees for your gaming table.

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6,011,134 hits since 9 Jul 2001
©1994-2025 Bill Armintrout
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1:144 Scale - For discussion of 12mm and 1:144 scale figures and models for wargaming.
3DPrinting - For discussion of anything related to 3Dprinting.
Basing - For discussion of anything related to the basing of miniatures.
Blogs of War - For discussion of wargaming blogs.
Campaign - For discussion of anything related to wargaming campaigns.
Civilians - For discussion of anything related to civilian figures.
Clubs - For discussion of local, regional, national and international organizations that promote the wargaming hobby.
Computer Moderated Rules - For discussion of anything related to software to aid miniature wargaming.
Consumer Affairs - A place to bring up consumer issues - praise for good service, and a place of last resort if you've had bad service and can't get the company or individual to fix it.
Conventions and Wargame Shows - For promotion and discussion of gaming conventions and shows (including event announcements), including museum displays and other events of interest to wargamers.
Conversions - For discussion of making alterations or conversions of existing figures or models.
Dice - For discussion of anything related to dice and random number generation.
Dioramas - For discussion of anything related to miniature dioramas.
Discussion Groups and Wargaming Forums - For discussion of wargaming-related discussion groups and forums at other websites, such as those provided by Yahoo!.
Figure Finder - For discussion of figure availability.
Flags and Banners - For discussion of flags and banners for miniature armies.
Flats - For discussion of anything related to figure flats, including painting and collecting.
Game Design - A place where folks can discuss game design and theory.
General Historical Discussion - For discussion of things related to history in general or across multiple periods, and not to specific periods.
Historical Media - For discussion of wargaming-related historical books, movies, music, and other media.
Historical Wargaming in General - For discussion of things related to historical wargaming in general, and not to specific periods.
History of Wargaming - For discussion of the history of the miniature wargaming hobby.
Hobby Industry - For discussion of anything related to tabletop wargaming businesses, retailers, hobby distribution, and manufacturing.
Magazines and Periodicals - For discussion of anything related to hobby periodicals.
Maps - For discussion of anything related to map-making for miniature gaming.
Miniature Boardgames - For discussion of boardgames that use miniatures.
Moldmaking and Casting - For discussion of casting miniatures.
Nude and Semi-Nude Figures - NSFW - For discussion of nude and semi-nude figures, excluding pornographic subjects.
Offers and Promotions - For the announcement of special offers and promotions by TMP advertisers.
Old School Wargaming - For discussion of anything related to "old school" miniature wargaming.
Online Gaming - For discussion of anything related to non-face-to-face miniature gaming, including PBM, PBEM, and internet gaming.
Painting - For discussion of the painting of miniatures, including use of decals and transfers.
Painting Services - For postings about painting services.
Paper Modeling - For discussion of anything related to building paper models.
Photography of Miniatures - For the discussion of the photography of miniatures, camera comparisons, and photo processing.
Plastic Figures - For discussion of anything related to wargaming with plastic figures, including painting and conversions.
Playtest - For playtesting solicitations, and reports from playtesters.
Podcasts of War - For discussion of wargaming podcasts.
Pre-Paint Preparation - For discussion of anything related to preparing miniatures for painting - including assembling, gluing, and pinning.
Scale - For discussion of the various modeling scales.
Scratchbuilding - This board is for sharing pics of models that you've built from scratch, or tips, techniques, materials, etc. that are used to build them.
Sculpting - For discussion of the art and science of sculpting miniatures.
Shipping and Customs - For discussion of anything related to shipping hobby-related packages, as well as international customs.
Size Compatibility/Comparison - For discussion of figures, size and compatibility.
Solo Wargamers - For the discussion of solitaire wargaming.
Storage and Transport - For discussion of anything related to storing and transporting hobby figures, models, or supplies.
TMP Bugs and Features - For reporting website bugs and requesting new features.
TMP Contests - For the discussion of TMP contests.
TMP Poll Suggestions - For the proposal and discussion of future TMP polls.
TMP Talk - For discussion of community issues involving the website, including requests for new Message Boards, and just saying "hi" to Bill Armintrout (the Editor).
Terrain and Scenics - For discussion of terrain and scenics for the tabletop, both commercial products and do-it-yourself.
Today in History - For discussion of things that happened on this date historically.
Tools of the Hobby - For discussion of tools related to miniature wargaming.
Tournaments - For promotion and discussion of gaming tournaments (including event announcements).
Utter Drivel - For discussion of utter drivel related to tabletop wargaming.
Videos of War - For discussion of wargaming videos, such as those posted to YouTube.
Virtual Tabletops (VTT) - For discussion of anything related to VASSAL and other virtual tabletop systems.
Wargaming Spouses - For discussion by and about the spouses and significant others of wargamers.
Wargaming en Lengua Espaņola - For discussion of anything related to miniature wargaming in the Spanish language.
Wargaming in Australia - For the discussion of miniature wargaming in Australia.
Wargaming in Belgium and the Netherlands - For the discussion of miniature wargaming in Belgium and the Netherlands.
Wargaming in Canada - For the discussion of miniature wargaming in Canada.
Wargaming in France - For the discussion of miniature wargaming in France.
Wargaming in General - For anything wargaming-related that doesn't fit in another topic.
Wargaming in Germany - For the discussion of miniature wargaming in Germany.
Wargaming in Italy - For the discussion of miniature wargaming in Italy.
Wargaming in New Zealand - For the discussion of miniature wargaming in New Zealand.
Wargaming in Spain - For the discussion of miniature wargaming in Spain.
Wargaming in the Nordic States - For the discussion of miniature wargaming in Sweden, Denmark, Finland, Norway, etc.
Wargaming in the USA - For the discussion of miniature wargaming in the United States.
Wargaming in the United Kingdom - For the discussion of miniature wargaming in the U.K.
Websites for Wargaming - For discussion of other wargaming websites.
What Are You Reading? - For discussion of books you are reading now or just finished reading that relate to miniature wargaming.
What I Did This Week - Here's the concept: Resolve to post every week on the What I Did This Week board, telling what you played or painted or bought that week. Pick a day of the week that will be the day you always post on. Knowing that you will post will help to motivate you. Doing this for a few weeks will make it a helpful habit.