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Showcase is where the Editor takes a peek at various products - including some of the latest releases - sent to us here at The Miniatures Page.

If you have a product you would like to see featured in Showcase, please contact Personal logo Editor in Chief Bill The Editor of TMP Fezian.

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531,382 hits since 4 Jan 2000
©1994-2024 Bill Armintrout
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Little Lost Dinosaur

Personal logo Editor in Chief Bill The Editor of TMP Fezian discovers a lost dinosaur. [10 Nov 2017]


More figures for the 28mm Amazon army! [27 Oct 2017]
Another week, another unit for the Amazon army! [1 Sep 2017]
Blue Table paints the gladiators from Bronze Age Miniatures. [8 Feb 2016]
combatpainter Fezian paints a legend from the Trojan Wars. [16 Jan 2012]
Blue Table Painting paints some of the latest releases from Bronze Age Miniatures. [2 Aug 2011]
At last! Personal logo Editor in Chief Bill The Editor of TMP Fezian finally paints the first of his Gauls... [19 Oct 2010]
Beowulf Fezian paints the prototypes for the Eureka Amazon Army. [22 Oct 2009]
The last - the most elusive - set of dino skellies... [10 Jul 2009]
Remember back in 2005, when I promised pictures of those Sumerian chariot stands in 6mm? [16 Jun 2009]
The fascinating history of one of the hobby's major manufacturers. [30 Aug 2005]
We look at spearmen from Castaway Arts' new Babylonian line. [11 Aug 2005]
We take a look at the exclusive figure made for Bayou Wars XI. [12 Jun 2003]

Looking for the perfect accoutrement for your next game? Or maybe a way to find out if your co-workers secretly harbor an interest in Ancients? The official Melees Gloriosus mug might be just what you need... [18 Jan 2000]

Can a 54mm scale siege ladder find happiness in a 25mm world? The Editor considers Tactical Conflict's siege ladders for use with a new scale. [30 Dec 1999]
The new line of "micro" 1:3600 scale Ancient Naval models from Outpost Wargame Services is small enough to fit within the hexes of a boardgame, compact enough to wage a battle on a cramped dining table, and tiny enough to pose on this handful of change. [18 Dec 1999]